Tax Negotiators

Negotiate Corporate Tax Debt

If you have unpaid corporate taxes and need assistance with your negotiate corporate tax debt, contact Tax Negotiators today.

For many companies in Australia, the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic linger and with the Australian Taxation Office ramping up its efforts to chase corporate tax debt, it’s time for companies to pay up or negotiate their corporate tax debt. Taking care of tax obligations is part of good business housekeeping, but we all know sometimes things run smoothly and sometimes things are tough.

But don’t be like those business owners who failed to seek help when the tax man came knocking. Our team of Legal Professionals, Chartered Accountants, Business and Home Loan Specialists and Consultants are adept at negotiating with the ATO on your behalf. Our knowledgeable and highly trained experts can help you deal with the burden of unpaid corporate tax debt, so if you’re struggling, call Tax Negotiators today.

What Does it Mean to Negotiate Tax Debt?

Allowing corporate tax debts to pile up only causes more stress and worry, and the longer they remain unpaid the more they grow, but there is a way out if you find yourself in this situation. The ATO is amenable to companies working with them to negotiate a tax debt settlement or a suitable payment plan rather than struggling and juggling by robbing Peter to pay Paul.

If you’re wondering, “does debt negotiating work when I still don’t have the money to pay?” At Tax Negotiators, we have solved countless companies’ corporate tax debt problems through debt negotiation Australia-wide. We can negotiate a corporate tax debt plan, explain debt negotiation vs debt consolidation or negotiate a lower tax debt to help take the worry from your mind so you can get on with your business. Call Tax Negotiators today so we can save you from the consequences and penalties of unpaid corporate tax debt.

Negotiating Corporate Tax Debt with the ATO

Negotiating tax debt with the ATO is better than trying to put the problem in another compartment in your mind to deal with later. The ATO urges companies to engage with them to sort out corporate tax debt sooner rather than later or they will be reported to a credit rating agency. If you’re wondering, “can you negotiate with the ATO?” the answer is a definite “Yes”. And you can do it by yourself, or for a much better outcome, you can hire professionals such as ours at Tax Negotiators who do this kind of negotiating every day and with great success.

Get Professional Help Negotiating Tax Debts

If your company needs to negotiate corporate tax debt with the ATO, you can do it yourself. However, it can be likened somewhat to representing yourself in a court of law. This is why it’s always best to call on professional help from those who know all the pitfalls and mistakes that can be made if the wrong plan is implemented and you can’t adhere to it.

At Tax Negotiators, we work with you to discover where your company finances stand. We use information such as other debts and interest charges you are paying, delivery charges, stock purchases, expenses, employee and contractor wages, and profits you are likely to make in the coming years. This is vital information needed to work out what you can afford to pay back to the ATO and helps us devise the plan that will suit your company’s finances.

Avoid Financial Hardship with Tax Negotiators

We can organise a meeting with our trained tax professionals at Tax Negotiators so they can explain to you how we can negotiate a corporate tax debt plan with the ATO on your behalf to help you avoid financial hardship. Our talented team of professionals will answer all your questions about tax negotiation. This includes what services we offer, the consequences of the ATO reporting your debt information to a credit rating agency, your options for debt consolidation or formal insolvency, and voluntary administration if that’s the only way. But act now before the ATO reports your debt. Contact the team at Tax Negotiators today at 1300 277 148 or email